Posted tagged ‘Life’

What’s going on with the conversations? Technology or….Us?

julio 8, 2013

After thinking and observing the behavior of many people around me, (I myself also, I did and no anymore ) in different places, such as restaurants, cinemas, trains, buses, streets, hospitals, beach, cars, etc..

I decided to write this little post about how technology affects our lives..Ok…Here we go 馃檪

I am a tech lover & smartphones, and I am Social Media Guy, but honestly, What’s going on with the conversations ?

I have seen this picture below, many times in real life : father, mother & children, couples, friends, etc, without speaking or sharing anything, only with fingers on the SCREEN !!!, is pathetic and insane for relationships .201305061352410.celulares-en-restaurantes

I did also..No anymore…!!

Conversation is the secret of all relationship, is the key, friendship, etc, etc. and tech help when really we need it…

In this case, I mean, when we are sharing in person and real life – time with our social circle, family or work…we SHOULD NOT do it.

I think it’s disrespectful, rude, and we 芦lose禄 also the MAIN Goal of the meeting, which is the conversation and share good times !!

I am ready to buy the book by Sherry Turkle‘s 芦Alone Togheter禄 , where she explains: why we expect so much from technology and less from each other.

Is a short post but hope it helps…

Enjoy and stop the check-in, because is a Addiction, read here

JC Giraldo