Archivo de enero 2014

Guest Post : » 10 Twitter Screw Ups » by Ioanna Aggelidaki

enero 25, 2014

Hi  There  !

Today is a very special day, because , I have my first guest on my blog in English.

She is from Greece !!!

Thanks to My Greek blogger friend : Ioanna Aggelidaki  , for her kindness in sharing  this post about  Twitter  !

Thank you Ioanna , You Rock !

10 Twitter Screw Ups

Life on Twitter can be harsh… 

Designed to be global and fast paced, Twitter users decide whether or not to follow someone within seconds. Most of the times people won’t «Go to your full profile» to analyse you, read your tweets, check your links, try to understand what kind of person you are and theeen decide whether to follow you. Nope.

It’s only a matter of seconds for you to impress others and convince them to click on that «Follow» button.

The reasons why people follow others may vary, still there are some very clear assumptions why people chose not to follow you or -if they already did that mistake- unfollow you…


1. You are an egg

Twitter empty profile

Having no profile picture whatsoever is like having no face. Would you go out for a coffee in real life with someone who has no face? (don’t answer that) Twitter gives very little opportunity to people to express themselves in a visual way and your twitter profile picture and background is one of them. So take into consideration the twitter timeline dimensions and get yourself out there.

2. Your profile is private

Twitter is a busy street, don’t be locked inside your home. Honestly now, time to come out of the twitter closet.

3. You are boring

clever twitter bio

Along with your profile and cover picture, one of the first things I notice in a twitter profile is the bio. I understand that writing a cool bio is tough, there are all those things that need to be said in only 140 characters… Keep in mind that your twitter bio is just a tiny part of your online self, use it well to attract people into wanting to get to know you better, introduce yourself and let your personality shine! How? Well, for starters please don’t write your bio in the third person… You are not Don Draper, don’t be pompous. Keep it short and interesting, tell me about your professional self if you like but also give me something I can relate to, something about you I may remember. Or just be funny, that always works.

4. You are full of it

Twitter is indeed full of social media Gurus and Experts and Kings and Queens. To begin with, there is no such thing as a Social Media Expert only because social trends run at the speed of light so one moment you are an expert and the next you aren’t. What these words really do is make you look arrogant and too much into yourself. There are other, more creative and down to earth words and phrases to describe yourself as part of the social media world.

5. You are too serious

Twitter is a great place to engage in conversations as it gives you the opportunity to talk directly to people. There are so many articles on how to engage people into chatting with you, how to craft your tweets perfectly to lure people into conversation. And after all that hard work people start chatting with you, and you just go and be a Diva/know it all/King of the world. Oh please… Lighten up a little! Don’t take yourself too seriously, be friendly and humorous. Too much formality comes down to monotony, loosen that tie!

6. You are a bot

you are a bot
Here is a hint: You want to know who is interested in tweets like «the daily something is out» or «12 people followed me and 13 people unfollowed me» ? No one. Firstly I don’t care how many people followed or unfollowed you, this is your inside information. And secondly it’s pretty clear to me that these are bot tweets, so obviously you have let services auto tweet on your behalf. Twitter is the place to talk, engage in conversations, people want to hear you voice, make sure they are interacting with a person who has an opinion, who is genuine and real.

7. You are never there

There is a twitter button called «@Connect» by using that you are able to check whether someone has followed you, mentioned you or interacted with you in any way. Please use it once in a while. Not paying any attention to people interacting with you is so frustrating! Imaging this, you are walking on the street and you just saw someone you (think you) know. You smile, raise your hand, wave hello and he just passes you by. That’s the feeling.

8. You are spammy

promotional twitter DM
If you are selling something then please let me know it in advance so that I won’t follow you. I am being harsh but that’s the painful truth, if you’re using Twitter to sell something in a crude manner, people wont follow you. It’s one thing to kindly promote your business in a user-friendly way and another to be all about the hard sale. We all see enough unwelcome advertising on a daily basis, it doesn’t have to invade our Twitter streams. Same goes for promotional direct messages. We have just met, for God’s sakes don’t try to sell me stuff!

9. You are needy

«Please follow me» or «Please retweet» can actually get worse… If you start screaming at me! «PLEASE RETWEET». Odds are: 1. I won’t retweet 2. I won’t follow.

10. Sorry what?

Tweets are limited to 140 characters, that can be annoying I know. How about you rephrase what you have in mind and stop cutting every single word in half or erasing every vowel? I really don’t have a crystal ball you know!

We all mess up online and that’s not just fine, it’s a great way to learn how to be awesome.

You don’t even need to write all these notes down, all you need to remember when you are on Twitter (or online generally) is to be you and act the way you would in real life. Keep it real.

You can reach to Ioanna Aggelidaki on these links :

Blog : Life PortOfolio

Twitter  : @iaggelidaki